Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Assignment # 10 C

" He had the bow, a laminate straight, almost a longbow, that pulled forty-five pounds at twenty-six inches' draw."

In this case, what is "draw", and what does "pounds" refers to here?

In this cause, the word " draw" mean long. It is also mean wide. The word " pounds" mean the weight os it. It is also mean how heavy is the bow.

“All assistance that contributes to revising this answer is greatly appreciated.”

Assignment # 10 B

" The Inuit would put a small piece of feather over the hole and stand with bone harpoon ready and when the seal came into the hold the air pushing ahead of its body would ruffle the feather and the hunter would lunge with harpoon and bury the barded head in the back of the seal."


The three different verb forms in this passage because it show that they would do it. It is showing that the Inuit would do all these things if they were there. The verb " would" is convey that it would happens if they do it.


The three different verb forms in this passage because it show that they would do it. It is showing that the Inuit would do all these things if they were there. The verb " would" is convey of something that Inuit it going to do. The three verb forms is " would put, would ruffle, would lunge." It is follow by the action verb. It is telling us what is going to happens next.

Assignment # 10 A

" A coyote, perhaps, brush wolf as they called them up north, or maybe a timber wolf, two wolves, one begging from the other."

What is the sentence type here, and why?

This is a compound sentence because it hs two independent clauses. The first independent is " They called them up north." The subject is " they" and "called" is the verb. The second independent caluse is " one begging from the other." The suject is " one" and "begging" is the verb.


This is a complete sentence.

Monday, June 18, 2007


" Dr. Machii said ," It must have bean a molotoffano hanakago"---a Molotov flower basket, the delicate Japanese name for the " bread basket." or self-scattering cluster of bombs." (pg.23)

What is Molotov flower basket? I don't understand.


" The roar of approaching planes was heard about this time. Someone in the crowd near the Nakamura family shouted, " It's some Grummans coming to strafe us!". A baker named Nakashima stoop up and commanded, " Everyone who is wearing anything white, take it off." ( pg. 38)

I don't understand the part that Nakashima commanded. If the people who is wearing white they have to take it off.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


"He set his bow aside,took out his knife and made a neat incision up the middle of the carcass,scooped the entrails,heart,liver and lungs out and gave them to the dog, which virtually swallowed them whole and then cocked her head,tail wagging gently in the puppy begging stance,asking for more." (Paulsen,2003,pg47)


"He crouched down toward the front of the canoe and with careful,extremely slow motions of the paddle he took almost ten minutes,ten crawling minutes to turn the canoe around so it was facing the other way." (Paulsen,2003,pg14)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Execise # 5

"He was trying to reach the sail that was in the water, but as he tries to reach it the water hits him in the chest and he fall off the boat."
(http://www.cambronrebeca.blogspot.com/ )

This is a compound and complex sentence because is it has one two independent and one dependent.

"I am very happy to have your class in this semister."

This is a simple sentence. This reason is it has only one independent clause.

"They sail many places in the wild ocean that are many creatures live in."

(http://chin-yin.blogspot.com/ )

This is complex sentence because it has one independent clause and one dependent clause.

"The two independent clauses have a subject and a verb within the sentence and it joined together with a coordinator."

(http://www.tinhsekhongphai.blogspot.com/ )

This is a compound sentence because it has two independent clause that follow by coordinator conjuction.