Thursday, May 31, 2007

types of sentences

1. " I was seven years old on a troopship heading to the Philippine Islands. "(pg.1)

This is a simple sentence because it has subject and verb. It is makes a complete thought.

2. " I went away from there a new person, and I also began to understand things about myself, that I must see and know the oceans."(pg.7)

This is a compound- complex sentences. The reason is it has two independent clause and one dependent clause.

3. " before dark each night I gathered driftwood for a fire." (pg. 6)

This is a complex sentence because it has one independent clause and one dependent clause.

4. " I would not just need a sailboat, I would need a cheap sailboat."(pg.16)

This is a compound sentence because it has two independent clause follow by a comma.

5." And only twenty-two minutes had passed."(pg. 102)

I'm not sure what type of sentences is this. I know it has the verb had, but what is the subject. I wonder is the minutes is the subject. If is it are we consider this sentences is simple.


chinyin said...

Does this sentence,"I know it has the verb had, but what is the subject," has three verbs there in two independent clauses?

Unknown said...

3. " before dark each night I gathered driftwood for a fire." (pg. 6) - This is a complex sentence because it has one independent clause and one dependent clause.

Are you sure this is a complex sentence? Where you find another dependent clause? I found that it has only one independent clause. So, it is a simple sentence.

YingYang said...

" I would not just need a sailboat, I would need a cheap sailboat."

This sentence can't be a compound because it doesn't has a coodinator to connect it together between two independent clause.