Tuesday, June 12, 2007


"He set his bow aside,took out his knife and made a neat incision up the middle of the carcass,scooped the entrails,heart,liver and lungs out and gave them to the dog, which virtually swallowed them whole and then cocked her head,tail wagging gently in the puppy begging stance,asking for more." (Paulsen,2003,pg47)


Zhiling Zeng said...
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Zhiling Zeng said...
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Sentenceguy said...

Consider this quotation from GUTS:

"He set his bow aside,took out his knife and made a neat incision up the middle of the carcass,scooped the entrails,heart,liver and lungs out and gave them to the dog, which virtually swallowed them whole and then cocked her head,tail wagging gently in the puppy begging stance,asking for more." (Paulsen,2003,pg47)

Look closely at the original sentence in the book and determine how this sentence differs from that one. Then, go into Blogger and edit this post so that it exactly replicates the original sentence in the book.

Shiau-Chwan, Ng said...

"He set his bow aside,took out his knife and made a neat incision up the middle of the carcass,scooped the entrails,heart,liver and lungs out and gave them to the dog, which virtually swallowed them whole and then cocked her head,tail wagging gently in the puppy begging stance,asking for more." (Paulsen,2003,pg47)

There is one independent clause and dependent clause in this sentence, so this is a complex sentence.

The Independent clause is "He set his bow...to the dog," and the dependent clause is "which virtually swallowed them... asking for more."

In this sentence, there are two subjects-verb combinations: "He set, took, made, scooped, and gave" and " which swallowed, and cocked."

Unknown said...

This is a complex sentence because it has one independent and one dependent clause.

The independent clause is “He set his bow aside, took out his knife and made a neat incision up the middle of the carcass, scooped the entrails, heart, liver and lungs out and gave them to the dog.” The pronoun “He” functions as the subject and “set…took out…made…scooped…gave” function as the verbs.

The dependent clause is “which virtually swallowed them whole and then cocked her head, tail wagging gently in the puppy begging stance, asking for more." The subordinator “which” functions as the subject and “swallowed…cocked” function as the verbs.